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The Gas We Pass

One of my son’s favorite books is called The Gas we Pass. You have to admit that farts are funny…as long as you can call someone else out on it! While we may not mind passing gas at home, it’s completely different at work or in a social situation or any situation with tight quarters. A large part of my career is indeed fueled by gas! Fact: everyone passes gas. The normal amount…0.5 to 1.5 L per day released over 10-20 expulsions per day. When the expulsion feels like an explosion, that’s when you may want to get it checked out. When gas causes excessive bloating, abdominal discomfort or is associated with a change in bowel habits, it may be worthwhile to see your gastroenterologist. Remember, we read stories to our children about farts...ok maybe that’s just me! These symptoms can occur with several conditions including lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, celiac disease, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, IBS, a motility disorder, pancreatic insufficiency, etc.

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